How we found SV Loukia

 SV Loukia

We think it's a great story.
Fi and Gary met at Gary's bike shop. Yes, Gary sold bicycles, rode bicycles, raced bicycles and from the outside looked like his only love was....well...bicycles.

Fi, a budding triathlete, went into Gary's shop looking to buy a bike and they each had no idea that they both had a hidden love of the ocean.  As it turns out, each, through life circumstances had supressed their love of the ocean.  Luckily, they fell in love and it was a little while later that Fiona asked Gary to go on a sunset sail in Port Douglas.  Gary, mentioned that it is "so good to be back on the water" and from there the 'real' adventure began.

So that was March 2020 and as if anyone can forget that was just before COVID reared it's ugly head.  Oh and we were booked to fly to Scotland for Fi's sister's wedding later that month. 

So, COVID hits and we can't go to Scotland....there are tears....the sisters cry on WhatsApp calls, it's a disaster.

What to do?  Gary know's Fi is keen to go sailing so he rings a mob in the Whitsundays and books her (with Gary tagging along as he has his RYA certificate) on a live aboard sailing course.
The Whitsundays are about 600km from Cairns and as we are reversing out of our driveway the phone rings and it James the manager of the company running the course.  "Gary....umm....we have some bad news"..."yes James" says I with a dispondant tone.  "Well, given the COVID lockdown we have to cancel the course as we cant have lots of people on the boat".  Bugger I think and Fi can tell whats happened.  James then says "Hey, you've got your skippers ticket, how about you take the boat on your own?".  I immediately think 'sure that would be great' so I say "for how long?".  James replied "How long would you like?".  Now it's important to remember that Australia is locking down, businesses are losing customers but not their costs so I understand why he says that, he needs the money.  Never one to miss an opportunity and says "10 days" and he says "Okay".

This now means Fi and I have a bare boat charter for 10 days in the Whitsundays for about 1/3 of the normal cost....woohoo!!

We then keep heading towards Airlie Beach and downloading every Jimmy Buffet song we can.

Summerbreaze is a 34ft modern yacht that was very fancy. 

Now as an aside, Fi and I were, on our Scotland trip, going to annouce our engagement.  Given that trip was cancelled. We then decided we should let people know. so our first night on the boat, tied alongiside at the marina we thought we'd celebrate and annouce to the world the news.

You might be wondering, 'how does this relate to Loukia?' Well while we were sailing around the Whitsundays, which was bloody amazing, I may have had a sneaky look at a yacht sales website.  When I did I saw an advert for my dream model of boat, a Westsail32.  I showed Fi and was going on about how amazing they were and how I'd always wanted on when I saw that it was for sale in Cairns!!!!!  Our life has not been the same since.

We now own a Loukia, a Westail 32

She was a bit neglected when we got her but she had good bones.


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