It's been awhile but we're back to Fitzroy

After what seems like an age of work and boat jobs (of course) we finally snuck out to Fitzroy Island for a few days.  Friday looked like it was going to be calm so we left on Thursday so we had a breeze.  We motored out of the inlet and put the sails up in a lovely 10(ish) knots.  

Once out of the channel we heard a message ping on our phones and it was my neice and her husband posting a photo of themselves in their boat motoring out of the inlet as well.  We called them up and they came over to say hello.

We took photos of each othe, had a chat and then each continued on our way.  Doung and Amy were going fishing for the day.

Fi using the binoculars to try and find a mooring bouy.  Wasnt to be so found a nice place to anchor

Arrived at Fitzroy after a long upwind sail (we may have used the motor a little bit).  Drop the anchor and cracked a beer.  Fi was very happy to be back at Fitzroy again.

That is one smug looking sailor

We love our charcoal BBQ

Life is good


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