2023 Haulout
It's haulout time again A little overdue so the bum's a bit grotty. It doesnt matter how many times you do it, it's always a little nervy to have your boat hanging by some straps. After a spray with the high pressure washer the hull wasnt too bad but we did notice a few blisters that would need to be removed. We got our friend Linc to give us a hand with all the sanding and grinding and then I glassed and faried the divets we left behind with fibreglass and thickened epoxy. All came up well as most the blisters we only into a single layer of glass. Then it was onto the planned replacement of our shaft seal. Very glad we did too, as you can see it was well past it's used by date. New shaft seal in and propspeed applied bit of poslishing of the topsides and she's ready to go back in. Lost a couple of days due to rain so 8 days all up. The happy team with a job well done