We caught our first fish!!!!

 We had never put a line in the water.  So many people told us we should be we were alwasy too busy having fun sailing to worry about it......until now.

We went into The Deckstore to talk to Tom and he sold us the gear wee need;  hand reel, vb cord, wire for trace, swivels, and a spoon lure.  Also gloves, filleting knife and a bat for dispatching the fish.

So in between Green Island and Fitzroy island we throw out the lure.  We check on it from time to time by feeling for any extra drag but nothing changes for an hour or so.  Eventully I think it feels a bit different and pull it in a bit to see a flash of silver.  "OMG Fi, I think we have a fish!!!!!" I yell.  We get the gloves ready and look for the bucket which we realise is still in the aft locker which cant be opened with pushing to tiller hard over, a task we didnt want to do whilst sailing on the windvane.  

I pull the fish in and it a not too big mackeral (we think it's a Spotted Mackeral) and are sooo excited.  I use the bat and then look up to see dolphins swimming by the boat. "Fi, look at the dolphins!!" I shout all the while the fish is dripping blood into the cockpit.  I realise the mess been made and hold the fish over the side while we try a capture the dolphins on camera.....we didnt.

We were thrilled, first time we put a line in and we catch a fish.

Nothing to do but fillet it and wait for dinner.

Dispite not being the favoured Spanish Mackeral it was bloody yummy and fed us for the weekend.


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