Vlassoff Cay and Fitzroy Island


No voyage should start without coffee and this one didnt.  As we motored out of the inlet Fi made us a coffee.

It wasnt the best sailing day as there was very little wind but that's OK when the weather is so perfect and our plan was to get to Vlassoff and just relax for a couple of days.  

It was so calm we didnt even bother raising the sails.

Once we made our way through Lugger Passage with Fi keeping a sharp eye out for coral bombies we anchored and then proceeded to acheive maximum relaxation.

The hammock under tha shade of the awning was pretty bloody good.

Since is was such a calm day and Vlassoff is only about 20nm from Cairns there were what seemed like a million jetskies and powerboats all having lots of fun on the sand cay.  We waited until about 1600 when they all left and then put the dinghy in and went to the cay for sundowners on the sand

It was bliss.

We stayed another day and then as breeze was developing we decided to sail to Fitzroy

Natually, as per our tradition, once at Fitzroy we had to go ashore and have a cocktail to celebrate


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